Program the Internet of Things with Swift for iOS


Erschienen am 30.12.2015, Auflage: 1/2015
61,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781484211946
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 13.80 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Program the Internet of Things with Swift and iOS is a detailed tutorial that will teach you how to build apps using Apples native APIs for the Internet of Things, including the Apple Watch, HomeKit, and Apple Pay. This is the second book by Ahmed Bakir (author ofBeginning iOS Media App Development) and his team at devAtelier LLC, who have been involved in developing over 20 mobile projects.

Written like a code review, this book presents a detailed "how" and "why" for each topic, explaining Apple-specific design patterns as they come up and pulling lessons from other popular apps. To help you getting up and running quickly, each chapter is framed within a working project, allowing you to use the sample code directly in your apps.

The Internet of Things is not limited to Apple devices alone, so this book also explains how to interface with popular third-party hardware devices, such as the Fitbit and Raspberry Pi, and generic interfaces, like Restful APIs and HTTPS. The Internet of Things is waiting be a part of it!


Ahmed Bakir is the founder and lead developer at devAtelier LLC (www.devatelier.com), a San Diego-based mobile development firm. After spending several years writing software for embedded systems, he started developing apps out of coffee shops for fun. Once the word got out, he began taking on clients and quit his day job to work on apps full time. Since then, he has been involved in the development of over 20 mobile projects, and has seen several enter the top 25 of the App Store, including one that reached number one in its category (Video Scheduler). His clients have ranged from scrappy startups to large corporations, such as Citrix. In his downtime, Ahmed can be found on the road, exploring new places, speaking about mobile development, and still working out of coffee shops.


Part 1: Getting Started

Chapter 1: Building Your First Internet of Things App.- 

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Swift Programming Language.- 

Chapter 3: Accessing Health Information Using HealthKit.- 

Chapter 4: Using Core Motion to Save Motion Data.- 

Chapter 5: Integrating Third-Party Fitness Trackers and Data Using the Fitbit API.- 

Chapter 6: Building Your First watchOS App.- 

Chapter 7: Building an Interactive watchOS App.- 

Chapter 8: Building a Stand-Alone watchOS App.- 

Chapter 9: Connecting to a Bluetooth LE Device.- 

Chapter 10: Building location awareness with iBeacons.- 

Chapter 11: Home automation using HomeKit.- 

Chapter 12: Building an app that talks to a Raspberry Pi.- 

Chapter 13: Using Keychain Services to secure data.- 

Chapter 14: Using Touch ID for authentication.- 

Chapter 15: Using Apple Pay to accept payments.

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