Roma Identity and Ritual in the Classroom

eBook - The Institutional Embeddedness of Ethnicity

Erschienen am 21.09.2018, Auflage: 1/2018
80,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319945149
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 2.36 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book addresses the dynamics of interethnic relationships in ethnically mixed classrooms in the Czech Republic. The classroom is a space in which the boundaries and meanings of facets of identity such as ethnicity, class and gender are negotiated on a daily basis: using rich ethnographic data, the author grounds the analysis in a novel theoretical framework which uses the traditional concept of ritual to examine peer cultures. Highlighting the perspectives of the students themselves, their own peer cultures and the agency of the minority youth present in the classroom, the book reinforces the idea that the dynamics of peer culture can be the scene for successful peer inclusion strategies as well as a stage for the reproduction of inequalities. The author offers a rich array of data from post-socialist classrooms, which are almost invisible in the dominant debates surrounding ethnicity. This revelatory book will be of interest and value to students and scholars of social anthropology, the sociology of education and race and ethnicity in education, as well as practitioners working with minority youth.


Jana Obrovská is Assistant Professor at the Department of Education and Junior Researcher at the Institute for Research in Inclusive Education at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Her research interests centre around the sociology of education and school ethnography.


Chapter 1. Roma Education in Post-socialist Classrooms: Between Segregation and Inclusion.- Chapter 2. Everyday Ethnicity and Ritual.- Chapter 3. The Methodological Aspects of Educational Ethnography in Ethnically Diverse Classrooms.- Chapter 4. The World of the Town and the School: The Institutional Embeddedness of Ethnicity.- Chapter 5. Ethnicity in Breaktime Interaction Rituals.- Chapter 6. Ethnicity in Classtime Rituals.- Chapter 7. The Future of Roma Education in the Czech Republic: From Homogenization to Diversification?

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